About Barry:
All Things New is the preaching and teaching ministry of Barry E. Fields, with the goal of helping people know God and grow in Christ.
Originally from Bowling Green, he grew up at Glendale Baptist Church under the ministry of Pastor Richard Oldham, competed for Western Kentucky University's national champion speech and debate team before receiving a B.A. in History (2007), completed both M.Div. (2010) and Th.M. (2012) degrees from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, and is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in Homiletics and Church History at Southern, serving as Garrett Fellow to Dr. Hershael York from 2012-2014. He has also taught theology and church history as an adjunct instructor for Campbellsville University.
Few people ever have the privilege of pastoring their home church, and yet that’s exactly what Barry has been called to do. For the background on that story, click here. Prior to his present ministry at Glendale, he spent almost a year preaching itinerantly (2019-2020), serving previously as pastor of Hawesville Baptist Church / Crossroads Tell City (2012-2019) and Mt. Tabor Baptist Church in Buffalo, KY (2008-2012).
Active in denominational life, Barry has been invited to share the Crossroads Tell City (IN) story at several conferences across the Commonwealth involving church mergers, replanting, multisites, and gospel partnerships. In fact, Crossroads Tell City is featured as a primary case study in the Kentucky Baptist Convention's book For the Kingdom's Sake: Discovering God's Preferred Future For Your Church. He also served on the Southern Baptist Convention's Young Leaders Advisory Council, a small group of pastors and ministry leaders seeking to engage the next generation in cooperative missions and ministry; completed a term on the 2017 SBC's Committee on Committees; has represented the Blackford Breckinridge Baptist Association on the Kentucky Baptist Convention's Executive Mission Board as Chair of the Agencies & Institutions Committee; currently represents the Warren Association of Baptists on the KBC Mission Board as Vice Chair of the Evangelism and Church Planting Committee and Placement Committee; and has served on the KBC's Committee on Nominations, as well as several associational roles.
In his free time, he enjoys reading history and politics, listening to WKYU's Barren River Breakdown (Bluegrass and folk music) along with a variety of podcasts, as well as watching historical and political documentaries and the Andy Griffith show. Barry has a desire to help people fulfill the Great Commission through the Great Commandments: by showing the love of Christ, we can better share the love of Christ, and make disciples of all nations. And just so you know, he bleeds BLUE (UK Basketball)!
About All Things New:
All Things New is a preaching and teaching ministry designed to reach outside church walls by helping people know God and grow in Christ. To that end, we've created a podcast, a YouTube Channel, a Facebook page, a blog, and a website to reach a broader audience.
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The All Things New theme comes from Isaiah 42:9, 2 Corinthians 5:17, & Revelation 21:5.